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  • Recycling technologies for ELV components to create a sustainable source of market grade materials for EU applications market grade materials for EU applications

Recycling technologies for ELV components to create a sustainable source of market grade materials for EU applications market grade materials for EU applications

  • Start: 01/01/2024
  • End: 31/12/2026

CRUSADE upscales novel technologies to TRL7 integrated in a universal hydrometallurgical method to recycle up to 500 tn/year of spent automotive components (autocatalysts, fuel cells, batteries and printed circuit boards) from end-of-life vehicles and recover ca 40 tn/year of critical raw materials (Cu, C, Co, Mn, Ni, Pt, Pd, Rh, Li, Ru) at commercial specifications. The project leverages predeveloped technologies to establish a market ready pilot unit utilising novel concepts for material tracing using blockchain and Pan-European collection network establishment from the pioneers of the automotive components manufacturers which guarantee the long-term sustainable operation of the unit. The material processing covers the whole chain from pre-treatment using validated technologies from the experts on the CRMs recovery and upstream processing using a microwave assisted leaching methodology enabling a 15-80% lower CO2 emission process (depending on the feed), compared to commercial processing. High specification market ready materials are prepared as outputs of the project undergoing a downstream purification and recovery process using solvent extraction and electrowinning, guided by industrial standards for end-use applications, while validated and benchmarked during the course of the project in new automotive products. The processing is automated aiming to a 15% time reduction compared to current processes with the use of an industrial robot and artificial technology guiding the sorting and the hydrometallurgical treatment (Industry 4.0 concept). The materials are commercialised at 15% lower price compared to market standards due to the automated innovative cost-efficient processing, CAPEX/OPEX reaching max 70% of product cost (average 30% gross profit margin depending on feed).

  • Sectors: Automotive, Recycling
  • Financing programme: HORIZON EUROPE
  • R&D&i: Circular Economy, Multimaterial systems, waste treatment and valorisation
  • Leader: MONOLITHOS Catalysts Ltd.
  • Partners: AIMEN Centro Tecnológico, CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT SCPA (CRF), CNR - CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE, FORD OTOMOTIV SANAYI ANONIM SIRKETI, Akkodis, Accurec-Recycling Gmbh, Advanced Energy Technologies Ae Ereunas & Anaptyxis Ylikon & Proiontonananeosimon Pigon Energeias & Synafon Symvouleftikon Y Piresion, B.F.C. Sistemi srl, EIT Rawmaterials CLC East SP. Z O.O., Entelos Institute Ltd, Etaireia Panelladikis Enallaktikis Diacheirisis Syssorefton Anonymi Etaireia, Hatch Kuttner GmbH, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, S E & C Idiotiki Kefalaiouchiki Etaireia, Smart AI Solutions Single Member P.C., Sunlight Group Systimata Apothikefsis Energeias Viomichaniki Kai Emporiki Anonymi Etairia, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, TREE SRL
  • Acronym: CRUSADE
  • Ambit: International