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  • Corrosion evaluation focused on industrial photovoltaic soils

Corrosion evaluation focused on industrial photovoltaic soils

  • Start: 01/01/2023
  • End: 31/12/2025

The objective of ECOSIF is to contribute to increasing the lifetime of photovoltaic plants, improving their efficiency, minimizing maintenance shutdowns and optimizing availability, and reducing design, construction, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs through detailed analysis of the corrosion processes that take place in the buried part of the fixed structures supporting the photovoltaic modules.

Corrosion can be defined as the degradation or deterioration of a material in contact with its environment. The corrosion process, its kinetics and morphology will always depend on two factors: the material and the medium, and in particular the characteristics of the interface between the two. The fight against corrosion involves understanding the mechanisms of the processes that take place at this interface.

ECOSIF will study structures formed by different materials and installed in soils with different properties, so a robust methodology must be developed to cover all possibilities. The project includes the development and application of innovative measurement techniques, laboratory and field tests, and new corrosion monitoring technologies and systems, the development of a digital AI-based system, as well as a pilot corrosion monitoring plant.

The ambitious results expected will favor a greater integration of photovoltaic energy in the market, contributing to the decarbonization of the sector and the fight against climate change.

  • Sectors: Industrial Maintenance, Photovoltaic, Renewable energies
  • Financing programme: Proyectos de colaboración público-privada 2021
  • R&D&i: Life cycle assessment. Carbon footprint., Optical technologies for monitoring and control of natural resources
  • Leader: Iberdrola Renovables Energía, S.A.U.
  • Partners: AIMEN Centro Tecnológico
  • Acronym: ECOSIF
  • Ambit: National