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  • Artificial intelligence for the sustainable design of efficient alloys and processes

Artificial intelligence for the sustainable design of efficient alloys and processes

  • Start: 01/01/2024
  • End: 31/12/2027

The IRIDISCENTE project proposes to investigate a digital methodology that enables the automatic and intelligent design, processing, and characterization of new safe, sustainable metallic materials with improved properties, through the efficient flow of data along the material value chain, establishing the basis for the effective industrial use of artificial intelligence technologies and promoting the development of Spanish industry 4.0. Aimen will work on the development of artificial intelligence tools to design new metal alloys from scrap, which it will produce, through additive manufacturing methods (directed energy deposition with laser and powder and modeling by composite extrusion) samples for characterization on a laboratory scale and several industrial case studies belonging to different sectors such as metalworking, aerospace, automotive, and medical. The additive manufacturing processes will be monitored and simulated to obtain data throughout the value chain of materials that allow a more intelligent use of them and efficient manufacturing first time, through the establishment of a digital methodology.

  • Sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Metal mechanical
  • R&D&i: Additive manufacturing, Artificial intelligence, Integrated monitoring and control systems, Laser assisted processing
  • Leader: Instituto IMDEA Materiales
  • Partners: AIMEN Centro Tecnológico, ARCELORMITTAL INNOVACION INVESTIGACION E INVERSION SL, UNIVERSIDAD DE BURGOS, Syspro Automation, Idaero Solutions S.L., Universidad Carlos III Madrid, The Next Pangea, RENISHAW Ibérica, S.A.U., Blesol Tech S.L., AENIUM Engineering, S.L., MIM Tech Alfa SL
  • Acronym: IRIDISCENTE
  • Ambit: National