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  • Laser manufacturing of 3D nano structured optics using advanced photochemistry

Laser manufacturing of 3D nano structured optics using advanced photochemistry

  • Start: 01/01/2018
  • End: 31/12/2021

PHENOmenon will develop and validate an integral manufacturing approach (material, process and technology) for
large area direct laser writing of 2&3D optical structures, targeting high speed production of optical surfaces with
subwavelength resolution, using NonLinear Absorption. Developments in photochemistry and laser beam forming
will allow to produce structures at different scales (100 nm to 10 microns). An unedited productivity in freeform
fabrication of 3D structures will trigger the manufacturing of new and powerful optostructures with applications in
lighting, displays, sensing, etc.
The novelty focuses on the combination of ultrasensitive nonlinear photocurable materials, and the laser projection
of up to 1 million simultaneous laser spots. The photochemistry relies on new types of ultrasensitive photoinitiators
and groundbreaking nonlinear sensitized resins for CW [Continuous Wave] laser writing. The developments in beam
forming are based in modulation with SLMs [Spatial Light Modulators] and hybrid diffractive optics for massive 3D
parallelization by imaging and holographic projection.
The enabled optical structures (hybrid microlenses, waveguides, polarizers, metasurfaces and holograms) will be
modelled at the micro and macroscale, to develop application oriented simulation and design methodologies.
Selected demonstrators will show the capability to produce 3D optical micro-nanostructured components with unique
optical characteristics, offering differential advantages in many products: advanced security holograms, efficient
lighting, high performance optics, backlighting units for displays, holographic HMIs [Human Machine Interface]
and planar concentrator microlenses. These components will contribute to address societal challenges like energy
efficiency or security while reinforcing EU industry competitiveness.
A consortium comprising 4 top Research Institutions and 8 Industrial partners (4 SMEs) covering the complete value
chain, will develop this project clearly driven by user needs.

***This Project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 780278 The dissemination of results herein reflects only the author's view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

  • Sectors: Holographic Industry, Lighting, Security
  • Financing programme: Horizon 2020
  • R&D&i: 3D Micropart production, Laser assisted processing, Microfabrication, Production of functional surfaces
  • Partners: CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS), THALES Research & Technology, Multiphoton Optics GmbH, IFCO - The Institute of Photonics Sciences, FLUXIM, IMT Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, FlexEnable Ltd, CDA GmbH, PSA ID – PSA, FNMT - Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre – Real Casa de la Moneda, DLED - Design LED
  • Acronym: PHENOmenon
  • Ambit: International
  • Web: http://phenomenonproject.aimen.es/