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  • Flexible manufacturing of resistive heating circuits for electric vehicle batteries

Flexible manufacturing of resistive heating circuits for electric vehicle batteries

  • Start: 01/10/2022
  • End: 30/09/2025

The REBEL project will develop a new methodology to optimize the manufacture of battery heating plates for electric vehicles (VEB), combining thermal projection processes with substractive and additive processes using laser technology, and aimed at the production of new heating plates designs of higher performance and lower weight and cost.

The project strategy is based on four development phases to evaluate different manufacturing routes and to identify those with the gratest potential when it comes to being extrapolated to and industrial-scale production level.

Within the activities of the REBEL project, AIMEN will focus on the study and optimization of the processes of selective ablation and deposition and consolidation of resistive material by laser, selecting the equipment and process parameters that provide the best results in terms of productivity and performance of the resitive circuits obtained.

In addition, a series of prototypes will be manufactured to demonstrate the capacity and robustness of the manufacturing process, and the strategy and resources necessary to integrate this technology into a production line at an industrial level will be studied in detail.

  • Sectors: Automotive
  • Financing programme: Proyectos de colaboración público-privada 2021
  • R&D&i: Additive manufacturing, Laser assisted processing, Microfabrication
  • Partners: AIMEN Centro Tecnológico
  • Acronym: REBEL
  • Ambit: National