Join the next EuReComp Open Workshop!
Discover the advances in the field of composite materials and their recycling through a workshop in which you will be able to join professionals from this industry.
AIMEN Technology Centre will host the 2nd EuReComp Open Workshop on April 24th. It will be an unique opportunity to delve into innovative recycling methods and explore the practical applications of the circular economy both in person, at AIMEN Technology Centre (O Porriño), and online.
During the event you will be able to learn about the technologies and strategies that are being developed within Eurecomp in the field of composite materials and their recycling through talks, discussions and practical demonstrations in advanced laboratories offered by varios experts. You will also be able to exchange ideas with other professionals, academics and enthusiasts from around the world.
Check the entire agenda for more details about the 2nd EuReComp Open Workshop here!
Date: April 24th 2024
Hours: 9.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m.
Registration: Free
To formalize the registration for the event you must fill out this form.