Our laboratories are backed by many official accreditations and certifications that guarantee our technological capabilities and our our impartiality.
- Materials characterization
- Technical support and assessment
- Study of in-service behavior and failure causes: breakage, corrosion and wear
- Special and customized tests
We are committed to our continued work to support our customers in quality control of raw materials, semi-finished and end products, by standardized techniques and with the aid of the most advanced equipment that allow for precise detection levels..
- Characterization and chemical composition of metallic and non-metallic materials
- Control and analysis of coatings
- Wear and abrasion
- Roughness and profilometry
- Corrosion, fretting corrosion, climate, electrochemical
- Heat and cryogenic treatments
At the Mechanical Testing Laboratory we characterize the mechanical properties and behavior of materials under different mechanical, thermal and environmental conditions (strength, ductility, toughness, etc.), thus guaranteeing the suitability of products for their intended applications, and verifying that products meet their specifications and comply with regulations and quality standards.
- Fatigue testing
- Fracture mechanics testing
- Tensile testing
- Charpy impact testing
- Compression and bending testing
- Resilience testing
- Dynamic testing
- Hardness testing (Rockwell, Vickers, Brinell)
We perform macrographic and micrographic analysis in order to determine the macro and microstructure of materials, thus evaluating material quality, welding processes, heat or surface treatments, as well as the morphology of cracks, fractures, corrosion, etc.
- Failure analysis
- Metallurgical studies in order to determine the actual state of degradation of parts, equipment and facilities (preventive maintenance)
- Macro and microstructural characterization of metallic and non-metallic materials
- Technical support on suitability for use of different materials
- Corrosion studies with cause and effect analysis (in collaboration with our welding engineering services and our corrosion laboratory)
Our inspection and NDT services have a reputation for their effectiveness and independency, and are supported by a highly qualified technical team with European and American certifications in Non Destructive Testing (NDT).
- Radiographic testing (fluoroscopy, digital radiography)
- Ultrasonic testing, including TOFD and Phased Array
- Verification of ultrasonic testing equipment
- Computerised axial tomography
- Magnetic particles
- Liquid penetrant testing
- Visual inspection
The Corrosion Lab at AIMEN offers a wide range of laboratory analysis and testing, for the evaluation of the corrosion performance of metals and alloys and the effectiveness of protective measures against corrosion.
- Corrosion Engineering
- Analysis of materials’ behavior in service
- Expert advice in the selection of materials and design of protection systems
- Prediction of materials’ behavior in service, based on the performance of accelerated testing and tests combination
- Analysis of failures caused by corrosion phenomena
- Study of galvanic compatibility between materials and in welded joints, under different environments.
- Testing
- Testing in saline mist chambers, cyclical corrosion tests, humidity, etc. according to ISO, ASTM or automotive standards.
- Electrochemical techniques.
- High-temperature corrosion testing (up to 1000ºC).
- In situ corrosion testing: on witness specimens or with corrosion probes, using corrosion potential testing and corrosion speed testing equipment.
- Development of nonstandard corrosion tests under specific customer requirements, on samples or on actual parts.
- Combination of corrosion tests with mechanical stresses: stress corrosion cracking, fatigue corrosion.
- Development of nonstandard corrosion testing to simulate service conditions, under specific customer requirements, on samples or real components. Corrosion combination with mechanical stress.
- Characterization of coatings.
- Resistance to various aggressive media.
The Polymers Laboratory at AIMEN is equipped with cutting-edge facilities and equipment, which meet international standards for the evaluation of plastic materials. Our staff are highly qualified in materials handling, testing, evaluation of properties and data processing. Thus, we provide complete and personalized services to our customers.
- Chemical Composition
- Mechanical Properties
- Physical and Thermal Properties
- Microstructural Characterization
- Climatic Testing
- Failure Testing
- Technical Support
- Product and Process Development