Metallurgical Research Association Northeast, AIMEN, following the guidelines and its obligations as established in the "National Law 19/2013, of December 9, transparency, access to public information and good governance" and the Galician Law 1/2016, of January 18, transparency and good governance, wants to promote the principles of transparency and good governance in the context of their action framework. Committed to compliance with these principles, the information concerning its institutional, organizational and economic structure, is publicly avaliable in accordance with the provisions in the aforementioned Laws.
AIMEN acts under the provisions of the current legislation on the scope Regional, National, European and International , safeguarding his performance also to existing regulatory standards for each of its activities.
Includes, among other, the following rules:
- Organic National Law 1/2002 of 22 March regulating the Right of Association.
- National Law 19/2013, of December 9, transparency, access to public information and good governance.
- Galician Law 1/2016 of January of transparency and good governance
- Law 14/2011, of 1 June, of the Science, Technology and Innovation.
- National Royal Decree 2093/2008, of 19 December, regulates Technology Centres and Support Centers for Technological Innovation state level.