We carry out complete calculations, design and consulting projects or independent work packages for manufacturing and continuous process industrial plants. We calculate and design equipment, piping and structures. We provide, in the choice of the different elements and in the determination of structural integrity, the suitability for service (FFS) or the remaining life.
We provide solutions related to:
Industrial plant projects
- Calculation and mechanical design of equipment, according to ASME, AD2000 or EN13445
- Calculation of metallic and non-metallic structures
- Calculation of foundations for structures, equipment or machines
- Piping design. Flexibility and stress analysis in pipes. Calculation of supports
- Equipment and structures detailed engineering (2D / 3D)
Structural integrity
- Fitness for service assessment: assessment on damage, mechanical integrity and remaining life, according to ASME FFS-1, API 579-1
- Identification and analysis of causes of failure in service
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- Design and optimization of components and systems
- Process flow analysis
Calculation and product design
- Mechanical calculations: static and dynamic
- Thermal calculations
- Combined solicitations